So let me just start with saying, I am (or was) a fairly intelligent girl at one time. I played the part of the big boobed, blonde Malibu Barbie well because it usually kept me from being held accountable for anything. Those days are long over, with long being the key word! Now I'm a long boobed, blonde highlighted chubster that really is confused from killing so many brain cells. I'm not sure if it's all the wine it took me to raise my boys, my CBD gummies of today, or the antifreeze I drank in my suicide attempt in 2012. Whatever the reason, confused is a normal state for me now.
I'm not going to go into too much detail about my life as a child, mainly because:1)I know people really don't care and 2) I honestly don't remember much about it. I'm trying to start at the beginning and go in chronological order instead of doing a "This is Us" version of my blog where I jump around. My childhood was definitely not like Kevin, Kate, and Randall's. If you have never seen "This is Us", those are the three main characters. My childhood was a little more comparable to "Married with Children", except in my world Al and Peg didn't stay married and Kelly Bundy (me) had a sister and much younger brother. We'll get to all of that later.
I often hear previous co-workers, friends, and family refer to stories of when they were young. I seriously don't have any childhood memories before my tween years. I know of things I was told of that happened. My 1st memories start around the age of 10-11. We had just moved to Gardendale and I was starting 5th grade. Finishing Gardendale Elementary school and going to Bragg Middle School were good years for me. I made good grades. I won my 1st beauty contest, "Little Miss Gardendale". I made who's who - friendliest in 7th grade and biggest flirt in 8th grade. Maybe I got a little too friendly as I got older?

The best thing that happened in middle school is that I met Peebs. We met in 7th grade. We began to go steady in 8th grade. I can still remember how sexy I thought his blonde feathered hair was. I was an office aide and I would go check him out of his civics class. I was so in love! I even cross-stitched him a Garfield riding a 4-wheeler with #29 on his helmet because that was his football number. We would meet at the skating rink and kiss for what seemed like forever under the pinball machines. It's almost like my life didn't exist before I met him.
Then, it happened! Perry didn't come to the skating rink one Friday night and I made one of many horrible decisions. I went under the pinball machine with someone else. He was an older guy from another school. I felt so guilty! I knew Perry wouldn't find out but I had to tell him. He broke up with me and that was the beginning of our on again, off again relationship.
I've heard God protects the ignorant. I think maybe He is protecting me from some bad memories. From ages 10-14, it seemed that I was going to be a normal teenage girl. My childhood hadn't been perfect with having an abusive biological dad, but I didn't remember any of it. My mom was remarried to Alex. They had a child together. His name is Bo and he's 10 years younger than I am. We were upper middle class. Alex was strict but not around for most of the time. He was active duty at that time in the Army. Other than losing Perry, life was pretty good.